Stop throwing hardware at the problem

your ideas, engineered the right way

We take performance, security and minimalism seriously.

Microservices. Take on a modular, flexible and scalable infrastructure.

High performance. Turn minutes to miliseconds with performance optimized solutions.

Big data. Use more, spend less with strategic data management.

Security. Protect your company and your clients, leverage strong security practices.

Analytics. Improve your profit using advanced customer behavior tracking.

Embedded hardware. Enter the Home Automation / Internet of Things market.

Native development

Using lower-level programming languages brings resource efficiency.

Our team works almost exclusively with programming languages that are "close to the hardware" and compile to machine code. This methodology helps us build orders of magnitude faster and more efficient solutions, than what you'd normally get with an interpreted language. If you could serve 5 times the customers you're serving today with the same hardware, would you resist? :)

No need to sacrifice timing for quality, just get both!

Our company owns a wide array of pre-made and maintained common project components (such as authentication, third-party api integration, analytics). We focus most of our time on your project building the functionality that makes it unique.